The Premiums & Schedules tab displays the premiums available for your show.
This image shows the premium schedules (left side) along with their schedule lines (right side).
(Premium schedules are by far the most complex portion of The Show Program.
We will be adding additional wizards to walk you through creating premium schedules.)
Premium Schedules (Left Side)
Your show may contain any number of premium schedules.
Each schedule is assciated with a class (Breed, Fur, Commercial Fur) and
a "Level" (Show, Breed, Group, Variety, Placement).
If your show uses exhibitor limits, you can check the exhibitor limits option and enable them.
Schedule Lines (Right Side)
Schedule lines are associated with a single schedule.
They allow you to create premiums based on:
the number of entries,
the number of exhibitors,
and the special or placement.
Next we need to assign each schedule to the breeds and classes it will be awarded to.